
Posts Tagged ‘doorway’

Healing restores the soul, but more importantly gives life to the spirit. 

Many times we are our own doorway to our healing.  We either welcome it in or we block it out. We were designed with a magnificent chance to uses what’s between our ears, the human brain. The mind, is a powerful tool. What we focus on becomes our strength.  Are we focusing on our blessings we have, the good, the positive things we see, the growth we see or are we focusing on the negative things, the stuff you are without, the progress you “have not” made?  Do you see dark or do you see light?  Image

Not only can our ‘mind focus’ change our direction, so does our tongue.  Our words have power and can create life or death.  Be aware of what you say, because you just might be the one that allows a disease to take root, but as for an advantage on the flip side, you can squander death!  Having said that, it can be a hard choice…. There comes a dying of ourselves and shaking off the old habits, a renewing of our minds, and almost always there will be a heart attitude adjustment that needs addressing. These can be minor or they can be a big shift.  Its different for each person and for each situation, but like we all know working out and building muscle and shedding fat comes pain and soreness…. There is pain in stretch-marks.

God gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.(Rom 4:17)  Do you believe it, will you receive it, will you walk in it, will you take part of it?

The doorway is up to you.

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